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P0ssum Blog

I'm at a bit of a loss as for what to put on the site now... Do I just keep adding new pages or should I migrate some of my social media content to here? I've got my fanfic, my original writing, my doll photography... Or I could just make all new stuff for here? But wouldn't that defeat the point (at least a little)? This isn't the first time I've struggled swith what to do with myself.

Speaking of doll photography, Me and Mel set up our dolls in a halloween scene. We've got a comprehensive doc where we keep track of characters and lore, and right now it's Amy and Robin running the local pumpkin patch/Fall Farmer's Market. Meanwhile- Rubina is trying to rope Robin into another prank scheme, Gwen is trying to be responsible and not let Viola buy every pastry she sees, Julian and Alex are collecting candy, and the whole affair is being "Overseen" by one of the Astra. Despite their appearance (and behavior), they are in fact an adult.

The whole setup has lights as well, but we might add more to it as time goes on.

My best friend got a huge rack of ribs from one of their siblings, so we had a bougie-ass dinner! I made the veggie mac&cheese from scratch- It's got spinach & carrots blended into the sauce! We also got some of the last summer sweet corn at the grocery store- I wasn't able to eat corn on the cob for a few years due to teeth issues so I forgot how much I love it!

I've got work today, but it's been so chaotic the last couple months. The shop I work at is constantly dancing on the edge of having to close due to a combination of factors. I at least know I have a job through the end of the year, but who knows about after then. I'm in a position where if I am unemployed, I won't be under a financial hardship for a few months, but I hate feeling like a burden. But also finding a new job is rough in my area. My best friend has been struggling for over a year to find a place that's ACTUALLY hiring. So many places around us have hiring signs out, run skeleton crews, and yet refuse to so much as give an interview! And the places that do clearly don't intend to hire anyone and are just being performative. I fucking hate this bullshit capitalist hellscape I live in.

I'm a little annoyed that my multi-day migraine made me miss the start of the Faerie Festival, mostly because I was automatically put in camp Illusen. I hope they keep this as a returning theme because I would rather have Juhdora themed prizes (fits my aesthetic better). I have gotten some really good quests this time, though. Two fountain Faerie and two Fyora!